ZSH Control key bindings

Useful ZSH Key Bindings

In order to use these key bindings more comfortably, it is a good choice to switch the L_Control and L_ALT

  1. Ctrl + u : clear the current line
  1. Ctrl + a : move to the start of the line
  1. Ctrl + e : move to the end of the line or complete the command according to the history
  1. Ctrl + f : move to the next char or complete the command according to the history
  1. Ctrl + b : move to the previous char
  1. Ctrl + p : fill with previous command in history
  1. Ctrl + n : fill with next command in history
  1. Ctrl + r : search the history command
  1. Ctrl + y : paste the command
  1. Ctrl + h : delete the char before the cursor
  1. Ctrl + d : If the cursor is on a char, it will delete this char. If not, it will list the possible options that you may input
  1. Ctrl + w : delete the word before the cursor
  1. Ctrl + k : delete from the cursor to end of the line
  1. Ctrl + t : swap the two char before the cursor

ZSH Control key bindings
John Doe