Pacman Commands

Pacman Commands

This file records some useful pacman commands
And take the package virtualbox as an example

1.list all the package

pacman -Q

2.checkout wheather package is installed

pacman -Q virtualbox

3.checkout the installed package details information

pacman -Qi virtualbox

4.List all the files of installed package

pacman -Ql virtualbox

5.find some file belong to which package

pacman -Qo /path/filename

6.find the package groups

pacman -Sg

7.find the package that the group contains

pacman -Sg virtualbox the package related to the virtualbox

pacman -Ss virtualbox the information of the package from the database

pacman -Si virtualbox

10.update source

pacman -Sy

11.update system

pacman -Su

12.update the source and system

pacman -Syu

13.update the source and then install the package

pacman -Sy virtualbox

14.get the information of the package from database and then download and install

pacman -S virtualbox

15.install the package

pacman -Sf virtualbox

16.delete the package

pacman -R virtualbox

17.clean the package in /var/cache/pacman/pkg

pacman -Sc

18.clean all the package and the database

pacman -Scc

19. install the package that was downloaded from the Internet

  1. cd to the path
  2. pacman -U virtualbox.pkg.tar.xz

Pacman Commands
John Doe